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October 2019 Issue of Nebraska Golfer Now Available

October 2019 Issue of Nebraska Golfer Now Available

The October Issue of Nebraska Golfer is now available. Click the image above to view this month's issue. Content includes:

  1. The Ranch - A new private destination course is coming to Nebraska's sandhills. Read about the Gil Hanse Design course located just south of Valentine.
  2. 5 Things You NEED to Know about the World Handicap System - The new World Handicap System will launch in early January, and there's a few things you need to know before that happens.
  3. NGA Competitions - The NGA's championship season wrapped up in September, as two more champions were crowned. Elkhorn's Ryan Nietfeldt won his record-tying third Nebraska Mid-Amateur Championship at Fremont Golf Club, while Lincoln's Ed Wyatt fought back to win the Nebraska Senior Match Play at Hillcrest Country Club in Lincoln. Read the recaps of these events and more.
  4. Golf's New Rules: I Accidentally Moved My Ball - What Do I Do Now? - Accidental movement of your golf ball during a round is one of many areas in the Rules that underwent a lot of player-friendly change in the new 2019 Rules. Still, some golfers may be confused about when there is a penalty, when there is not, when the ball must be replaced, or when the ball should be played from its new location. Take a closer look at some of the most common ball at rest moved situations encountered during a round.

Nebraska Golfer is an online publication of the Nebraska Golf Association distributed to individual members each month. It includes regular features on the people, places and events that make golf in Nebraska great. Click on the button below to view past issues of Nebraska Golfer.

Nebraska Golfer

About the NGA
The Nebraska Golf Association, founded in 1966, is comprised of all members of public and private clubs and/or municipal or regional golf associations which utilize an approved handicap service recognized by the USGA and provided by the NGA. Our mission is to uphold and promote the game of golf and its values to all golfers in Nebraska. Among the duties of the Association include governance of member clubs and service as their handicapping and course rating authority, conduct of state golf championships, local USGA qualifying & other notable competitions, promotion of junior golf, presentation of worthwhile educational programs and support of allied golf organizations in Nebraska. The Nebraska Golf Association is an Allied Golf Association of the USGA and carries out core services including Handicap Administration and Oversight, Course Rating, Rules of Golf and Rules of Amateur Status, Tournaments and USGA Championship Qualifiers and USGA Initiatives and Community Programs.

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