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NGA Announces Updated 2020 Competitions Schedule

NGA Announces Updated 2020 Competitions Schedule

Four-Ball, Women's Amateur, and Senior Amateur Rescheduled

OMAHA (April 30, 2020) – The Nebraska Golf Association has announced the rescheduling of the first three championships of the 2020 season, including the Nebraska Women's Amateur, Nebraska Four-Ball and Nebraska Senior Amateur.

The 19th Nebraska Four-Ball Championship has been rescheduled to September 26-27 at a new site, Fremont Golf Club. The championship was originally scheduled for this past weekend at The Players Club. It will now be conducted in the fall at a first-time host club.

The 46th Nebraska Women's Amateur Championship, originally scheduled for June 1-3, has been moved to August 3-5. The championship will remain at The Country Club of Lincoln, and the early August date will still allow high school and college golfers to compete just prior to their fall season.

The 22nd Nebraska Senior Amateur Championship will remain at Norfolk Country Club, but will move to August 27-28. The championship was originally scheduled for June 4-5.

In addition, more changes have been made to the NGA competitions schedule, including the cancelling of the first three 2020 USGA qualifiers. The U.S. Open Local Qualifier on May 4 at Beatrice Country Club was cancelled earlier this month with the postponement of the U.S Open. Last week, the USGA announced the U.S. Girls' Junior Championship and the U.S. Junior Amateur Championship have been cancelled as well. These cancellations also remove the U.S. Girls' Junior Qualifier on June 8 at Indian Trails Country Club in Beemer and the U.S. Junior Amateur Qualifiers on July 2 at Champions Run in Omaha from the schedule.

The NGA will follow the guidance of health and government officials to conduct these championships and any other competitions in a safe and responsible manner. The NGA will continue to monitor the ongoing pandemic situation and will communicate any additional changes to the 2020 schedule.

For more information on the NGA’s championships, including an updated schedule, visit the Competitions section of the NGA website at the button below.

2020 Championship Schedule

About the NGA
The Nebraska Golf Association, founded in 1966, is comprised of all members of public and private clubs and/or municipal or regional golf associations which utilize an approved handicap service recognized by the USGA and provided by the NGA. Our mission is to uphold and promote the game of golf and its values to all golfers in Nebraska. Among the duties of the Association include governance of member clubs and service as their handicapping and course rating authority, conduct of state golf championships, local USGA qualifying & other notable competitions, promotion of junior golf, presentation of worthwhile educational programs and support of allied golf organizations in Nebraska. The Nebraska Golf Association is an Allied Golf Association of the USGA and carries out core services including Handicap Administration and Oversight, Course Rating, Rules of Golf and Rules of Amateur Status, Tournaments and USGA Championship Qualifiers and USGA Initiatives and Community Programs.

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