2025 Championships

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Nebraska Junior Amateur Championship

58th Nebraska Junior Amateur Championship

Meadowlark Hills Golf Course, Kearney

June 9-11, 2025

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Meadowlark Hills to Host Nebraska Junior Amateur

The 58th Nebraska Junior Amateur Championship will be conducted at a first-time venue, Meadowlark Hills Golf Course in Kearney, June 9-11. This is an official USGA Exemption Event, which means the Champion will receive a full exemption into the 77th U.S. Junior Amateur Championship at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas, Texas. Entries will open on March 3. Visit the tabs above for more.

2024 Leaderboard



Enter This Championship Online

Entry Deadline: 5pm CDT on Monday, June 2, 2025


Entrant must be a male junior amateur golfer who is a resident of Nebraska and a member of Nebraska Junior Golf. A junior golfer is defined as an amateur golfer who has not yet reached the September 1 following graduation from secondary school.

Amateur Status: All players must conform with the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by the USGA.

Code of Conduct:

NebGolf may reject an entry application, revoke an accepted application, expel from the Championship and/or suspend a player from future championships if the player engages in conduct detrimental to the integrity and image of the game of golf and/or public confidence in NebGolf. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to, damage to the golf course or the player's equipment, verbal or physical abuse of spectators, officials, volunteers, or staff, blatant or excessive profanity, disorderly behavior, failure to abide by club rules, or any other unbecoming conduct.

Entry Fee

Entry fee of $125 must be paid by every player. Entry fee will be refunded regardless of reason if NebGolf is notified (402-505-4653) before the close of entries. After the close of entries, fee will be refunded in the event of a medical condition, if requested no later than June 8. No refund for any reason after June 8. A $25 service charge will be deducted from all refunds.

Closing Date

Entries must be received by NebGolf no later than 5 p.m. C.D.T. on Monday, June 2, 2025. Late applications are not acceptable and will be automatically rejected. (Entries by mail, telephone, e-mail, or FAX not acceptable.) Time limit for entries means time of receipt at NebGolf (not time entry is sent or transmitted to NebGolf). Entries should be submitted early to allow ample time for delay or error in transmission. The risk of delay or error in transmission lies solely with the entrant and NebGolf will have no liability with respect to any such delay or error and the consequences therefrom, including rejection of the entry.


The championship field will be limited to 111 players. If more than 111 entries are received by the June 2, 2025 deadline, the field will be comprised of players that filed entries by the deadline in these categories:

1. Top 40 in the NebGolf Junior Point Standings published June 2, 2025
2. Top 10 class finishers at the 2025 NSAA Boys High School Golf Championships
3. Two (2) host club selections
4. Remainder of the field determined by order of entry

Entries Received


Practice Rounds
Practice Round details will be available here soon.

Championship Schedule
Monday, June 9
7 a.m. - Practice Areas Open
7 a.m. - 10 a.m. - Player Registration
8 a.m. - 10 a.m. - Boys' Round One Starting Times (1 & 10 Tee)
12 p.m. - 3 p.m. - Player Registration
1 p.m. - 3 p.m. - Girls' Round One Starting Times (1 Tee)
1 p.m. - 3 p.m. - Boys' Round One Starting Times (10 Tee)

Tuesday, June 10
7 a.m. - Practice Areas Open
8 a.m. - 10 a.m. - Boys' Round Two Starting Times (1 Tee)
8 a.m. - 10 a.m. - Girls' Round Two Starting Times (10 Tee)
1 p.m. - 3 p.m. - Boys' Round Two Starting Times (1 & 10 Tee)

NOTE: 36 lowest scores and anyone tying for 36th place for the first 36-holes continue play June 11; remainder eliminated after 36-holes.

Wednesday, June 11
7 a.m. - Practice Areas Open
8 a.m. - 10 a.m. - Boys' Final Round Starting Times (1 Tee)
8:50 a.m - 9:40 a.m. - Girls' Final Round Starting Times (10 Tee)
Following Golf - Awards Ceremony

StrackaLine Greens Guides and Yardage Books
Through a partnership with StrackaLine, NebGolf is happy to offer 20% off Greens Guides and Yardage books for its championships. Click here or the image to order.

Terms of Competition
Entry Form Terms of Competition

Player Memorandum
Player Memorandum - Championship

Pace of Play Information
Championship Pace of Play Policy

Rules Documents
NebGolf 2025 Local Rules and Terms of Competition
Championship Notice to Players - Meadowlark Hills GC (Draft)

Ben Vigil, Manager of Association Services
(402) 505-4653 ext. 105

Additional Information

USGA Exemption Event
The 58th Nebraska Junior Amateur is an official USGA Exemption Event, meaning the Champion will receive a full exemption into the 77th U.S. Junior Amateur Championship at Trinity Forest Golf Club, in Dallas, Texas, July 21-26, 2025. Champion must meet age and eligibility requirements to receive exemption. For more info, visit usga.org.

This championship is submitted to the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) for inclusion in the Performance Based Entry Recognition System. This enables members to earn their way into AJGA Open and ACDS Junior All-Star events. Champion - Fully Exempt, Top 5 - 12 Performance Stars, Top 10 - 8 Performance Stars, Top 15 - 4 Performance Stars

Junior Golf Scoreboard
This championship is submitted to Junior Golf Scoreboard for inclusion in the JGS Rankings.

Meadowlark Hills Golf Course

3300 30th Avenue
Kearney, NE 68924
Golf Shop Phone - (308) 233-3265
Website - meadowlarkhillsgolf.com

General Manager - David James
Golf Professional - Jay Cottam
Superintendent - Bob Butler

Course Yardage

1 4
2 5
3 4
4 4
5 3
6 5
7 3
8 4
9 4
Out 36
10 4
11 4
12 5
13 4
14 4
15 3
16 4
17 3
18 4
In 35
Total 71
2025 - - Meadowlark Hills Golf Course, Kearney
2024 Beau Petersen Gretna Awarii Dunes Golf Club, Axtell
2023 Beau Petersen Gretna Lochland Country Club, Hastings
2022 Trevor Gutschewski Omaha Beatrice Country Club
2021 Connor Steichen Omaha Fremont Golf Club
2020 Luke Gutschewski Elkhorn Scotts Bluff Country Club, Scottsbluff
2019 Josh Peters Omaha Beatrice Country Club
2018 Jason Kolbas Lincoln Elks Country Club, Columbus
2017 Tucker Knaak Plainview Indian Trails Country Club, Beemer
2016 Alex Schaake Omaha Champions Run, Omaha
2015 Alex Schaake Omaha Four Winds Golf Course, Kimball
2014 Alex Schaake Omaha Beatrice Country Club
2013 Sam Meuret Brunswick Oakland Golf Club
2012 Mitchell Klooz Laurel Norfolk Country Club
2011 Drew Taylor Omaha The Country Club of Lincoln
2010 Richard Schneider Beemer Wayne Country Club
2009 Andy Sajevic Fremont Beatrice Country Club
2008 John Rasmussen Omaha Indian Trails Country Club, Beemer
2007 Kyle Jaacks Lincoln Elks Country Club, Columbus
2006 Brandon Crick McCook Scotts Bluff Country Club, Scottsbluff
2005 Ben Tewes Lincoln Beatrice Country Club
2004 Chris Bruening Norfolk Indian Trails Country Club, Beemer
2003 Henry German Omaha Meadowlark Hills Golf Course, Kearney
2002 Brady Bauer Lincoln The Country Club of Lincoln
2001 Jeff Holm Gothenburg Norfolk Country Club
2000 A.J. Elgert Lincoln Scotts Bluff Country Club, Scottsbluff
1999 J.J. Sullivan Omaha Elks Country Club, Columbus
1998 Derek Butts Murray Willow Lakes Golf Course, Bellevue
1997 Brant Arends Elwood Wayne Country Club
1996 Michael Sullivan Grand Island Elks Country Club, Columbus
1995 Steve Friesen Lincoln Willow Lakes Golf Course, Bellevue
1994 Ryan Nietfeldt Grand Island North Platte Country Club
1993 Ryan Nietfeldt Grand Island Fremont Golf Club
1992 Kit Grove Lincoln York Country Club
1991 Geoff Friesen Lincoln Wayne Country Club
1990 Derek Nannen Geneva The Pines Country Club, Valley
1989 Troy Petracek Crete York Country Club
1988 Jason Peterson Oakland Wayne Country Club
1987 Scott Hoffman Omaha Beatrice Country Club
1986 Jason Peterson Oakland Elks Country Club, Columbus
1985 Hap Pocras Lincoln Wayne Country Club
1984 Hap Pocras Lincoln Norfolk Country Club
1983 Mike Peterson Oakland Wayne Country Club
1982 Mike Peterson Oakland Lochland Country Club, Hastings
1981 Bryan Riemers Lincoln Fremont Golf Club
1980 Jeff Epstein Omaha Elks Country Club, Columbus
1979 Bill Spangler Lincoln Beatrice Country Club
1978 Frank Svoboda Albion Capehart Golf Course, Bellevue
1977 Kevin Chestnut Omaha Capehart Golf Course, Bellevue
1976 Knox Jones Lincoln Riverside Golf Club, Grand Island
1975 Steve Buel Omaha Norfolk Country Club
1974 Harry Lockwood Omaha Lochland Country Club, Hastings
1973 Jerry Ficke Lincoln Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln
1972 Dean Sukup Cozad Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln
1971 Craig Moyer Grand Island Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln
1970 Tom Sieckmann Omaha Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln
1969 Rick Gorham Lincoln Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln
1968 Bob Swahn Omaha Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln

Nebraska Junior Amateur Championship Records 1968-2024


Most titles: 3, Alex Schaake, Omaha (2014, 2015, 2016); 2, Mike Peterson, Oakland (1982, 1983); Hap Pocras, Lincoln (1984, 1985); Jason Peterson, Oakland (1986, 1988); Ryan Nietfeldt, Grand Island (1993, 1994); Beau Petersen, Gretna (2023, 2024)

Consecutive titles: 3, Alex Schaake, Omaha, 2014 to 2016; 2, Mike Peterson, Oakland, 1982 to 1983; Hap Pocras, Lincoln, 1984 to 1985; Ryan Nietfeldt, Grand Island, 1993 to 1994; Beau Petersen, Gretna 2023 to 2024

Longest Span, First to Last Victory: 2 years, Jason Peterson, Oakland (1986-1988); Alex Schaake, Omaha (2014-2016)

Longest Span Between Victories: 2 years, Jason Peterson, Oakland (1986-1988)

Brother Champions: Mike Peterson, Oakland (1982 & 1983) and Jason Peterson, Oakland (1986 & 1988); Geoff Friesen, Lincoln (1991) and Steve Friesen, Lincoln (1995); Luke Gutschewski, Elkhorn (2020) and Trevor Gutschewski, Elkhorn (2022)


Most Times Host Site:

Beatrice Country Club 7
Wayne Country Club 6
Elks Country Club, Columbus 6
Holmes Golf Course, Lincoln 5
Norfolk Country Club 4
Willow Lakes GC/Capehart GC 4
Indian Trails Country Club, Beemer 3
Scotts Bluff Country Club 3
Fremont Golf Club 3
Lochland Country Club, Hastings 3
The Country Club of Lincoln 2
York Country Club 2


Low Score, 54 Holes: 207 (9-under), Mitchell Klooz, Laurel, 2012 (Norfolk CC); Alex Schaake, Omaha, 2016 (Champions Run)

Most Strokes Under Par, 54 Holes: 9-under (207), Mitchell Klooz, Laurel, 2012 (Norfolk CC); Alex Schaake, Omaha, 2016 (Champions Run)

Highest Winning Score: 225 (9-over), Michael Sullivan, Grand Island, 1996 (Elks CC, Columbus)

Lowest Score, Any Round: 63 (9-under), Brandon Crick, McCook, 2006 (Scotts Bluff CC)


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