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NebGolf: Beyond the Corn, There’s Golf

NebGolf: Beyond the Corn, There's Golf

OMAHA (February 1, 2023) - The Nebraska Golf Association has completed a year-long re-branding effort and is proud to reveal a new logo and moniker, NebGolf.

The new logo, designed by Ben Hollerbach of Hollerbach Design Co., is the Association's first update in more than 20 years. Much has changed at the Association in that time, including a formalized relationship with the Nebraska Women's Amateur Golf Association and the introduction of multiple women's championships. In addition, junior golf has become a major focus with the introduction of Nebraska Junior Golf (in collaboration with the Nebraska Section PGA) and Youth on Course.

"A re-branding was something we have discussed for years, and the timing was now right to move forward," Executive Director Craig Ames said. "It was important to us to modernize our logo, creating an inclusive brand that all golfers in Nebraska can be proud to wear, and one that is truly unique and eye-catching."

This is not the first time Ames has been behind a logo change for the Association. Early in his career under then Executive Director Virgil Parker, Ames helped upgrade the Association from a stick-figure golfer to the most-recent logo, a more realistic golfer encircled by red and black.

The new logo this time features a combination of a cornstalk and a flagstick, a truly unique look in the world of state and regional golf associations. The concept was chosen from several put together by Hollerbach, as something that would be recognizable and relatable to the Nebraska golf community.

"We know Nebraska is so much more than corn, but the connection is something we wanted to embrace," Ames said. "We are the Cornhusker State and there is some tremendous golf here, much of which directly borders a cornfield or some form of agriculture, from Nebraska City to Scottsbluff, Homer, McCook, Beatrice, Gothenburg and so much more. Let's acknowledge that and also showcase how great this state and it's golf community is."

Nebraska has experienced a boom in golf the past few years, and an influx of world-class golf courses, including Landmand Golf Course in Homer. Coincidentally, "Landmand" (pronounced lan-man) is Danish for Farmer. CapRock Ranch in Valentine and Lost Rail Golf Club in Gretna are a couple other highly-rated additions to the golf scene, both also playing off longtime Nebraska staples, ranching and railroads. Another is on the horizon, with Dormie Network's Graybull in Maxwell under construction, with a likely opening in 2024.

The Nebraska Golf Association's mission is to uphold and promote the game of golf and its values to all golfers in Nebraska. Ames says that the new branding will allow the Association to promote the game and grow the community to all golfers in the state. The new moniker, NebGolf, has been used informally for years and is reflected in the Association's website and social media handles. It is a modern identity for the brand that Ames hopes will get golfers to think of it more than just a golf association that provides handicaps.

NebGolf is everything golf in the state, because beyond the corn, there's golf.


About NebGolf
The Nebraska Golf Association (NebGolf), founded in 1966, is comprised of all members of public and private clubs and/or municipal or regional golf associations which utilize an approved handicap service recognized by the USGA and provided by NebGolf. Our mission is to uphold and promote the game of golf and its values to all golfers in Nebraska. Among the duties of the Association include governance of member clubs and service as their handicapping and course rating authority, conduct of state golf championships, local USGA qualifying & other notable competitions, promotion of junior golf, presentation of worthwhile educational programs and support of allied golf organizations in Nebraska. The Nebraska Golf Association is an Allied Golf Association of the USGA and carries out core services including Handicap Administration and Oversight, Course Rating, Rules of Golf and Rules of Amateur Status, Tournaments and USGA Championship Qualifiers and USGA Initiatives and Community Programs.

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