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Field Club of Omaha Wins Interclub Championship

Field Club of Omaha Wins Interclub Championship

GOTHENBURG (September 16, 2024) – The Field Club of Omaha won the 2024 NebGolf Interclub Championship at Wild Horse Golf Club in Gothenburg on Monday, winning for the second time in four years.

The Field Club won the Final over Wilderness Ridge Country Club, 14-10 to take the title. The club also won in 2021.

In the Semifinals, Field Club advanced through a playoff over Oak Hills Country Club, which had won two of the previous four titles. The teams finished in a 12-12 tie, and Brett Lundin and Adam Beltz secured the win for Field Club on the first playoff hole.

Wilderness Ridge edged out Meadowlark Hills Golf Course in the Semifinals, 13-11, to advance to the Final.

For full results and more in the NebGolf Interclub program, visit the button below.

NebGolf Interclub

About NebGolf
The Nebraska Golf Association (NebGolf), founded in 1966, is comprised of all members of public and private clubs and/or municipal or regional golf associations which utilize an approved handicap service recognized by the USGA and provided by NebGolf. Our mission is to uphold and promote the game of golf and its values to all golfers in Nebraska. Among the duties of the Association include governance of member clubs and service as their handicapping and course rating authority, conduct of state golf championships, local USGA qualifying & other notable competitions, promotion of junior golf, presentation of worthwhile educational programs and support of allied golf organizations in Nebraska. The Nebraska Golf Association is an Allied Golf Association of the USGA and carries out core services including Handicap Administration and Oversight, Course Rating, Rules of Golf and Rules of Amateur Status, Tournaments and USGA Championship Qualifiers and USGA Initiatives and Community Programs.

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