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COVID-19 Resource Center

The Nebraska Golf Association is working with its allied associations in Nebraska to provide information, updates and resources to golf clubs and golfers across the state to help them deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit the resources below and follow us on social media for more information as we progress through this difficult time.

The Golf Course Superintendent Association of America

"The GCSAA knows your lives and businesses are being affected by the global COVID-19 Pandemic. While there is no lack of general information about the virus and its widespread impact, we wanted to provide you with resources specific to golf and business operations to assist you in this challenging time. Plus, keep up with GCSAA's latest updates concerning the pandemic.

If you have any information you think would be helpful to share with other members, please e-mail Angela Hartmann, director of marketing and communications.

In addition, we are still here for you, so please contact 800-472-7878 or email mbrhelp@gcsaa.org, for assistance."

GCSAA Resource Page

Club Management Association of America

Use this website to access valuable information on how to manage your club during this unprecedented time including preparations, operational ideas, and closures:

CMAA Resource Page

PGA of America

"As operators, each of you are experiencing information overload. We, at the PGA of America, stand united with you and want to help you and your facility make responsible decisions regarding your operation, understanding that state and local regulations are changing by the hour. It is paramount that you stay current with CDC and state and local health officials’ guidance in real time. Click here for state health department information about the coronavirus.

The virus has not been contained and we must do our part to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As you know, guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and government restrictions are changing daily, and a number of facilities were required to close over the last week, based on mandates from state and/or local officials.

On Monday (March 16), President Trump reduced the size of groups and social gatherings to no more than 10 people. We recommend adhering to that guidance just as we are at PGA Golf Club and Valhalla Golf Club.

We need to be prepared for golf to be a viable source of outdoor recreation for as long as possible.

Please continue to visit PGA.org for the latest on these and additional programs as more information becomes available."

PGA Resource Page

National Club Association

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus a global health emergency. The virus, now known as COVID-19, was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Confirmed cases are concentrated in China but have spread throughout Asia and more recently into Europe and other regions, including the United States and Canada.

The National Club Association (NCA) has received a growing number of questions from concerned clubs about how they can respond to the threat of Coronavirus in the U.S.

In response, NCA has created the Coronavirus Resource Center, a wide-ranging website for club leaders, their staff and members to safely and effectively address this unprecedented crisis at their clubs.

NCA encourages you to pass this important information along to your members as it can help frame a complex situation for clubs and managers. We strongly advise clubs to prepare for the possible spread of the virus to your communities.

NCA Resource Page

National Golf Course Owner's Association

"The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting our nation’s health and economy. We're still learning a lot about the spread, impact and severity of the virus; by educating our employees and our customers, and providing them with the tools they need to protect themselves, we can help limit the impact this disease will have on our communities.

As a business owner, you have an obligation to provide a safe workplace for employees under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) general duty clause. Education is the first line of defense in preventing exposure to and spread of COVID-19 in your workplace. Anticipate that this increased awareness and new work tasks will result in increased time and cost."

NGCOA Resource Page

We Are Golf

"As our nation and the rest of the world react to COVID-19, WE ARE GOLF is facilitating collaboration and updates for our supporters and industry partners on the situation. Safety of the golf community is the highest priority, and the industry is responding by taking precautions necessary to ensure customers, members and employees are safe, and that we’re doing our part to help the larger effort to contain this virus. Here are the latest updates from WE ARE GOLF collaboration."

We Are Golf Resource Page

USGA/NGA Rules and Handicapping Guidelines

The United States Golf Association released a memo on Friday, March 20 to offer guidelines in regards to the Rules of Golf and Rules of Handicapping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the memo below and visit the link to the USGA website for the specific guidelines.

"The USGA stands with our entire golf community during this time. We all love the game for the escape it provides, and it is our great hope that we will all be able to play it, watch it and enjoy it together soon. We continue to urge everyone to follow the guidelines from health and governmental officials to keep you and those around you safe, and to minimize any possible exposure to coronavirus. This is especially true on a golf course, where golfers, workers and owners should heighten their level of awareness on exposure to surfaces like flagsticks, golf balls, bunker rakes, tees, carts and scorecards. We all need to do our part to respect expert advice and make the right decisions to protect each other.

It is not the intended purpose of the below guidance to either encourage or discourage anyone from playing the game, but rather, in our governance role, to help golf course operators, committees and golfers better understand how the Rules of Golf and Rules of Handicapping apply to the various questions we have received."

USGA Rules & Handicapping Guidelines